April 2023 Minutes

Peck Community Center, Inc.

Board Meeting – April 24, 2023

Mission: “The board’s responsibility to the community is to conduct operations of the building in a responsible and business-like manner.”

Bryan Bell opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance: Bryan Bell, David Boller, Lucretia Smith, Roxana Stitt, Linda Wilbur, Janice Stroud, Aleta Boller

MINUTES - Roxana Stitt:

The March 2023 minutes were read/ Motion by David Boller to accept minutes. Seconded by Woody Stitt.


 Sumner County Appraiser’s Office Valuation Notice

Email from Sedgwick County Zoo that we will be receiving two day passes to the zoo to use as door prizes at the Car Show.


Income: $1,435.16

·         $46.00 Concessions

·         $600.00 Donations

·         $39.16 Spring Craft Fair

·         $$750.00 Sale of A/C


Expenses: $416.59


Opening balance: $6,476.35

Closing balance: $7,333.45

Motion to accept financial report by David Boller, seconded by Woody Stitt. Passed.

Correspondence – Roxana Stitt

Property value from Sumner County. The building's property value has been raised from $57,930 to $82, 150. 

Email from Sedgwick County Zoo. We will receive 2 day passes for the door prizes at the car show. These will be mailed out the first week of May.


Car Show - David Boller

Everything is progressing well. We are looking at having a meeting this Saturday, April 29 to make sure everything is ready to go. We will also be filling goody bags. We have most people committed for the 8 generation Corvette display. Still looking for donations for the goody bags.

Janice – Where will the kids’ activities be? David – Probably by the back door near the swings. Will need some older kids to help with that. Roxana – I have talked to Girl Scouts who might also be able to help.

Bryan – Chris, do you know how many cars this lot can hold? Chris – we have been full, but no one ever counted to my knowledge.

Fundraisers – Janice Stroud

Flea Market on July 8, 2023. The event form is roughly filled out, but still needs information. I think we could raise $3,000 and if we did it yearly, it could grow.  In the event of severe weather, event will be rescheduled since we will be outside. Should we put a specific project on each fundraiser, so people know what we are using the money for? Right now, all monies are going to improve the building – lower the ceiling, mini-splits, paint, etc.

Lucretia – I want to get with Merry about a wine tasting. I also have a friend that teaches Yoga, so maybe it’s something we can do in the yard. Maybe charge $10.

Calendar - Bryan Bell 

We had a couple of rentals this month – a reunion and an Easter family dinner.

We had our cleanup on the 15th.

The gym is rented for the 27th for the Mulvane Coop Annual Meeting.

Gym is rented on May 6th, Car Show on 20th, Classroom on the 21st, Gym rented for the 27th.

Need more publicity. Maybe give brochures to Mulvane because the Pix is so booked. Roxana has brochures ready to print to give out to various businesses.


Old Business 


 1.  Restoring Not for profit status – Lucretia Smith. I got statements from back to 2017 and all short forms are filled out. Will be getting with Roxana to make sure it is all completed, correctly.

 2.  Audit committee update – Lucretia Smith – No update currently. I have reached my committee members and once the taxes are off my plate we will go forward.

3.  Bylaws revision update – Roxana Stitt. All members have the by-laws and have read them. They have taken notes and we will be getting together in the next two weeks.

4.  Strategic Planning Committee update – Bryan Bell. After the car show we will jump on that. Would like to have at least one more person.

5. Update on April 15th cleaning day – Bryan Bell. It was a nasty day, cold and windy. We did get a lot done in the women’s bathroom to make it more user friendly. We will need to wait for a better day to caulk and paint the front of the building. We had quite a few people show up. Cleaned out all the kitchen cabinets, put down shelf paper. Cleaned out the classroom so we can at least walk around. We will have another cleanup day on May 6. We will put it on the sign and on social media.

Pam, what color are you painting the door? Bryan – We got inexpensive paint in dark blue and white which we will combine for a light blue. Also, my son-in-law has a connection with a paint company that is willing to donate paint and epoxy that they are getting rid of. We need to wait and see what they are going to give us.

6. November Soup Supper – Julie Bell will chair this. Found notebook from past suppers with paper goods amounts, recipes, raffle ideas, etc.

Pam – Did you find any paraphernalia from the 100-year celebration? We have emptied the cabinet so we can move it. Sam – Would it be feasible to print more centennial books? Janice – The original printer passed away. We will need to check on copyright. I am still checking on that.

Julie – I think we need to find out how many people would be willing to pay up front so we can pay for the printing.

Tabled at this time.


New Business

1.      Report on items sold from storage room (Bryan) – We sold three A/C units, so far. There is a school in OKC that is interested in the tables. It will be a few days before we know about this.  We would use that money to buy more 8’ tables and folding chairs. Pam -what about the kitchen cabinets? Bryan – we put one in the women’s restroom for extra towels and toilet paper, and we might put one in the men’s room. We might put them out at the flea market to get rid of the rest so we can use the room for another rental.

2.      Storage room use (Janice) – Should we keep the second classroom for storage and get some industrial shelves for totes of extra paper goods, materials for the car show or other events. Bryan – We can make storage in other areas, and we could use that classroom for rentals. We have a lot of options that would open that room. Woody – Aren’t you thinking about making a storage area in a part of the lobby? Bryan – yes, it would be easy to do. Janice – we can’t put things in the closets because everyone would be getting into the stuff.

3.      Budget (Janice) - Limits for spending on various events? Are we going to set a budget for the maximum we will spend on each event? We should think about setting a budget at the start of each year.

4.      New clothing item - Hat (Roxana) We will have hats to sell at the Car Show that compliment the t-shirts. They will be $10.

5.      Potential fall public service event (Roxana) – Would like to offer a CPR class in the fall. Filled out an event form, but the date is not set, yet.

6.      Union Rescue Mission has offered to take the books so we can clear out the bookshelves.

7.      Boudreux’s said we can put a banner on their fence about the car show. Bryan’s son in law will paint up a banner to put up real soon.

8.      Sign out front will be replaced with the center section we took out of the women’s restroom. It will be a lot bigger and easier to read. We will try to get it done before the car show, but no promises.



Miscellaneous Business - Comments or concerns of community members.


Our next meeting will be May 30, 2023, 7:00 p.m. at the Peck Community Center

motioned to adjourn David Boller; seconded Woody Stitt. Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.