February 2023 Minutes

Peck Community Center, Inc.

Board Meeting – February 27, 2023

 Mission: “The board’s responsibility to the community is to conduct operations of the building in a responsible and business-like manner.”

Bryan Bell opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance: Bryan Bell, David Boller, Lucretia Smith, Roxana Stitt, Linda Wilbur, Janice Stroud

Officers absent: Aleta Boller

MINUTES - Roxana Stitt:

The January 2023 minutes were read/ Motion by Bryan Bell to accept minutes. Seconded by David Boller. Passed.


Income: $1167.43

Expenses: $874.26

Opening balance: $6046.83

Closing balance: $6340.00

Outstanding check – State of Kansas $140.00 Bryan said they are sending it back with paperwork.

Motion to accept financial report by Bryan Bell, seconded by David Boller. Passed.


Craft Show - Janice Stroud

Several have asked if it will be a two-day event. If we do so, the vendor fee needs to be $50. Vendors also give something for the day’s drawing. Roxana thinks we should stick to a one-day event for this show. If we want to schedule a two-day event, that needs to be a future event. We will not have vendors outside at the March event.

Car Show - David Boller

Making a list for volunteers for the day of the show. We will have a meeting before too long. Continuing to put out fliers. Belle Plaine has asked for 200 fliers for their car show which will go in goody bags.

Fundraising - Janice Stroud

Funeral dinner – March 4. No charge for building.

Spring break – Does Mulvane still give out food during break? No, because of Covid. Janice has different activities for kids during spring break. Must stick with prepackaged snacks and water. Is this something we want to do?

Council Hill Church is talking about bringing ice cream social back to the Peck CC. Could we possibly join them for an Easter Egg hunt? 

May 4-6 – Mulvane City Wide garage sale. Do we want to offer space in the building for garage sales to coordinate with this? We could charge $20 for table space. 10’ x10’ space. Could be inside or outside.

July 4th celebration/carnival – Possibly horseshoes, old fashioned games. 

October 5-7 – Rummage Sale (coordinates with Mulvane Rummage Sale). Needs further discussion. 

November 4 – Soup supper

Dec. 2 – Christmas Craft Show – 2 day event

Can we move the May meeting to the 30th?

Can we move the December meeting to the 18th? Will discuss at a later date.

Calendar - Bryan Bell  

Craft show March 18

March 4 – Brenda Bohanan funeral dinner around 12:30 – 1:00. Janice will be here at 9:00 to accept food.

Church ladies will come in the morning to setup. Bryan will meet with the pastor on Wednesday to give him the key and show him where the table and chairs are.

Old Business 

      The federal annual reports are 5 years in arrears and we lost our tax exempt status in 2021. To get it back, we will need to fill out 5 years of paperwork, 5 statements of cause, and $600. We will not know if our status is renewed until sometime in September.

Nancy Bell stated that there are several Peck Community Center pages on Facebook. Can we do anything about that? We can’t do anything about other people’s pages. Our page is growing. Last month we had 14,000 hits and 4,000 engagements.

New Business

Section 1 - The officers of the Peck Community Center Board shall be seven and their rank and titles are as follow:

Change to five members. Remove News Reporter (becomes Secretary’s duty) and custodians. Fifth member’s title will be trustee or member-at-large. All board members can remain, but from now on, only 5 members will be necessary. 

Call for discussion – No one had anything to say.

Discussion: None

Discussion: - None

2. Appoint Audit committee. 

3. Appoint Bylaws revision committee.

If you know of anyone who would like to serve on either committee, please cocntact a board member.

4. Look into insurance policy. Reevaluate. Is it the best policy for us at this time?

5. We need a Strategic Planning committee. 

Our FB and website are doing well, we need to keep that momentum going.

Linda Wilbur would like to serve on this committee. If you know anyone else who would like to serve on this committee, please contact a board member.

6. Possible fundraising dinners on Mondays when Boudreaux Burger Barn is not open. Bryan will stop in and talk to them about this idea. Would they be interested in advertising or helping us sell tickets?

7. Possibility of allowing gym rental May 27th in late afternoon to Nancy Maltbie for a graduation party 4 - 9 p.m. That is our car show backup day, but the car show will be over by 3:00 p.m. so there shouldn’t be a conflict. The only vendors will probably be in the classroom. This rental should not be an issue.

Miscellaneous Business - Comments or concerns of community members.

Janice Stroud – One of the vendors said we can put coffee grounds around the classroom to get rid of the musty smell. Also, there is a sunlight glare in the gym through the windows.

Lucretia Smith – Building concerns: Have we had a fire inspection? Bryan Bell - Last one we know was in the 1980's. Fire department said the building could hold 200 people. 

Chris May – That is more of an insurance thing. The fire department isn’t really interested. 

Janice Stroud – Will we have porta-potties at the car show? David Boller – Yes.

Janice Stroud -  What about the water faucet? Bryan – It is turned off.

Lucretia Smith – Department of Health and Environment inspection was in 2009. Don’t know if there is anything we need to do. Where is the well? Cleaning supplies too close to the well? 

Our next meeting will be March 27, 2023, 7:00 p.m. at the Peck Community Center

David Boller motioned to adjourn, Lucretia Smith seconded. Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.