January 2023 Minutes

Peck Community Center, Inc.

Board Meeting –January 30, 2023

Date: 1/30/2023

Meeting called to order @ 7 PM by Chris May.

Attendees: Randy Miller, Jeanette and Zach May, Larry Long and Debbie Long and 25 community members.

Changes to previous meeting minutes: None: The date of the flea market is Feb. 11 not Feb. 1st. Roxann is actually Roxana. Corrections are typed in red on last month’s minutes.

The Treasury Report was given by Jeanette May and approved.


o Rentals- $1765.00

o State of Kansas- $50.00 Elections

o Fundraisers-$

o Soup Supper- Gross-$

o Breakfast- Gross- $

o Other- Gross- $300.00 t-shirts and $680.00 Craft show

Total Gross Income- $2795.00


o Evergy- $101.74, $83.83 respectively

o Black Hills Gas- $129.87, $201.67 respectively

o Peck Improvement District (PID)- $60/month X 2

o Farm Bureau-$179.34/month X 2

o All other expenses including supplies and misc. expenses- $25 Mulvane News Soup Supper

Total Expenses- $1020.79

Total Net Income- $1774.21

Checking Account: Beginning Balance- $4112.62

Checking Account: Ending Balance- $5886.83

Savings Account: Beginning Balance-

o Interest Earned- $

o Deposits Made- $

o Transfers Made- $

Savings Account: Ending Balance- $

Old Business: The London Township Board paid for renting the small room at the large room price for 14 months to help keep the Center open. They have their meeting on the 2 nd Tuesday of every month and they have keys to the building. The February 11th Flea market will be from 9 am until 3 pm and may be serving hot dogs and chili. Only complaint from the Craft Show was spotty WIFI service. 

Flyers have been published for the Car Show and there will probably be a committee meeting at the end of February. There will probably be a memorial dinner at the Center Feb. 4th and maybe another Craft show in March. 

The Board voted to approve the monthly website maintenance fee reimbursement to Roxana Stitt. There is no line to reserve the building on the website, yet.

New Business: A How-to-Paint gathering was discussed and may be on the 7th or 9th of March. The charge could be $35/person with a limit of 10 people in the evening session. The Center would profit $10/head. The possibility of an afternoon class and an evening class was discussed. Bringing wine was even mentioned. 

Elections took place and Jeanette May, Randy Miller, Larry Long, Debbie Long, and Zach May were all willing to stay on the Board. Chris May was not willing to serve any longer. Larry Long spoke on the By-Laws and continuity. He also asked the audience of 25 “How many have supported the Center with cash or volunteer contributions prior to 2022?” No one

raised their hands and only 2 had attended a Soup Supper. 

25 members of the community nominated 7 people and those 7 were voted in and the Board was completely replaced. 


President - Bryan Bell

Vice President - David Boller

Secretary - Roxana Stitt

Treasurer - Lucretia Smith

Reporter - Linda Wilbur

Grounds - Aleta Boller

Building - Janice Stroud


Meeting Adjourned @ 8.33 PM.

Submitted by Deb Long, Secretary