July 2023 Minutes
Peck Community Center, Inc.
Board Meeting – July 31, 2023
Mission: “The board’s responsibility to the community is to conduct operations of the building in a responsible and business-like manner.”
Bryan Bell opened the meeting at 6:47 p.m.
Officers in attendance: Bryan Bell, Roxana Stitt, Janice Stroud, David Boller, Aleta Boller.
Absent: Lucretia Smith, Linda Wilbur
Members in attendance: Julie Bell, Sam Bell, Nancy Bell, Woody Stitt
MINUTES - Roxana Stitt:
The June 2023 minutes were read/ Motion by David Boller to accept minutes. Seconded by Woody Stitt. Passed.
Income: $0
Expenses: $5,805.39
$ 112.25 - Evergy
$ 51.31 – Black Hills Energy
$ 60.00 – PID
$ 186.25 – Farm Bureau Insurance
$ 4,614.00 – Mini Split
Opening balance: $ 14,336.83
Closing balance: $ 8,531.44
The KDHE representative contacted Bryan and said they had not received an invoice from us since January. Roxana sent invoices for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters for a total of $900.
Motion to accept financial report by Aleta Boller, seconded by Julie Bell. Passed.
Fundraisers – Janice Stroud
Flea Market on October 7th, will repairs be done by that time? (Bryan) yes, but it wouldn’t be a problem.
Janice received a complaint about the March flea market. Not everyone got their 10x10 space because of the way it was set up. Next time there will only be one row down the middle instead of two.
Roxana – Maybe we need to mark the floor, so they see their exact space.
Soup Supper – Julie
Julie – We had a meeting, but only one person showed up. It lasted 20 minutes.
December Craft Show – December 2-3, 2023. Needs Event Form
Calendar - Bryan Bell - Upcoming rentals
Old Business
1. Bryan - Timeline for building repairs – Mini split was purchased. We need to contact an electrician. Woody will talk to Brad Alred or Chris Sumner. We will need several people to help. We know how we are going to do it, but we need to make sure it’s kosher. We will shoot for August 12 and 13th. We plan to also add electric plugins on the south wall and north of the sink.
2. Roxana - Hunter Education course update. It went very well. 41 people received certificates. Tammy is looking forward to using the gym next year and having more people. She had several instructors to teach the various units and was very grateful for the use of the building. Woody recommended that we send her a thank you because it was a good event for the community.
New Business
1. Sam recommended we put together a food event in the middle of September to raise some more money. (Bryan) our biggest problem is getting the same size portion. Woody recommended a chicken dinner, again. We can also look at sausage and pancake dinner or biscuits and gravy.
2. Janice – I started working at Wyldewood Cellas with their “Sip and Shops”. I think we should do the t-shirts for some of the events. Maybe we could also do some concessions. Sam- I’m not sure that would be that beneficial for us. Someone from here would have to man it. Aleta – would there be any cost to us? Maybe we could approach Merry about just selling our t-shirs at the winery.
3. We need to contact the sewer guy to replace the lid on the electrical box. The alarm is going off right now. Woody brought a stepping stone rock to cover it until it can be replaced. Also, the sewer cover needs to be replaced as it is cracked and brittle. The person to call is Dave at 316-522-1498.
Miscellaneous Business – None.
Our next meeting will be August 28, 2023, 7:00 p.m. at the Peck Community Center
Motioned to adjourn by Woody Stitt; seconded by Sam Bell. Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.