March 2023 Minutes

Peck Community Center, Inc.

Board Meeting – March 27, 2023

 Mission: “The board’s responsibility to the community is to conduct operations of the building in a responsible and business-like manner.”

Bryan Bell opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Officers in attendance: Bryan Bell, David Boller, Lucretia Smith, Roxana Stitt, Linda Wilbur, Janice Stroud

Officers absent: Aleta Boller

MINUTES - Roxana Stitt:

The February 2023 minutes were read/ Motion by David Boller to accept minutes. Seconded by Linda Wilbur


Income: $1167.33

Total Income $677.23

Expenses: $874.26

Total Expenses $540.88

Opening balance: $6340.00

Closing balance:  $6,476.35

Motion to accept financial report by Roxana Stitt, seconded by David Boller. Passed.

Correspondence – Roxana Stitt

Letter from the State of Kansas about non-filing of Retailer’s Tax. Merry Bauman explained what this form is for and how to send it in, based on her experience at the winery. Jeannette May explained how this is handled on the website. This will be handled before the April board meeting. 

Janice asked about having a form for vendors that pertains to the sales tax. Merry and David both talked about how this works. Tax forms can be obtained by the state and handed out to vendors. It is the organizer’s responsibility to provide the form; it is the seller’s responsibility to pay the tax. This form can be downloaded from the Internet. 

Need a resale tax number to purchase materials with no tax. Can be found on state website.


Craft Show - Janice Stroud

Went ok but would rather have it at the beginning of the month. It was also March Madness which may have affected our crowd. It was a slow day.

Bryan ran concessions. After buying the food, we made $46 but we have a lot of food left over that we can use at the car show. That merchandise will be pure profit.

Spring Break Activities – It was very cold. Had about 10 kids.

Car Show - David Boller

A lot of advances in the past few weeks. We have donations from Belle Plaine, Wellington, Haysville, Clearwater, and Wichita.

At the meeting Sunday, we will display all of the door prizes, goody bags and raffle items. Please show up April 1st at 2:00 for a volunteer meeting. 

At our craft show a lady asked to put up her fliers and she took ours to hang up there. Fliers were given to Belle Plaine for their April car show. 

Concessions will be hotdogs, bratwursts, hot links.

Calendar - Bryan Bell  

April 15 – Meet Your Neighbor Clean-up day – inside and out.  If you know anyone that wants to help clean up, please let them know. Try to do some painting and other outside work.

April 22 – Gym rented

May 6 – Gym rented

Old Business 

Section 1 - The officers of the Peck Community Center Board shall be seven and their rank and titles are as follow:

Change to five members. Remove News Reporter (becomes Secretary’s duty) and custodians. Fifth member’s title will be trustee or member-at-large. All board members can remain, but from now on, only 5 members will be necessary. 

Call for discussion – No one had anything to say.

Discussion: None

Discussion: Possible can find people in the area that can donate services or hire cheaply for mowing and clean-up. 

Motion made by David that all present vote on those changes. Woody Stitt seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

3.  Audit committee.  – Lucretia Smith, Barbara Callaway, Shirley Burns

4.  Appoint Bylaws revision committee. – Roxana Stitt, Jess Stitt, Merry Bauman

5.  Strategic Planning Committee – Bryan Bell, Linda Wilbur, Pam Benson

6. Insurance policy – Lucretia talked to an insurance broker that said we have a good price, but he is concerned at the low amount of the building $100,000 would not replace the building. Are we fine with that for now. If we covered the building, our price would go up significantly. Let’s get a quote. Do we have extra liability for rentals? 

Merry recommended Mike Eck to check into this. He is independent and has access to a lot of companies.

David – Everything is wide open here. If someone comes up when we are not here, does our insurance cover that?

Merry recommended putting a sign up “You are doing this at your own risk.”

7.  Still looking into this. Only on days Boudreux’s is no open. Possible fundraising dinners on Mondays when Boudreaux Burger Barn is not open. Bryan will stop in and talk to them about this idea. Would they be interested in advertising or helping us sell tickets?

8. July 4th Carnival – Janice does not yet have information on this.

9. November Soup Supper - Need to start looking at committees for donation or soups, desserts and paper goods, people to serve, people to clean up. If anyone is interested in serving on this committee, please let us know.

New Business

Bryan – We are looking to put them up for sale as we need to clear that room so we can fix it up for rental. We hope to raise enough money to outfit the building with mini-splits to conserve on electricity. Merry - Can we use them as a trade-in? David – The issue is their age and the ratings on them are too low.

We also need to talk to the Mulvane Museum about the banner. We hate to see it not taken care of. 

Motion to sell the air conditioners and heaters in the spare room by Lucretia Smith. Seconded by Woody Stitt. Motion passed. 

Miscellaneous Business - Comments or concerns of community members.

Our next meeting will be April 24, 2023, 7:00 p.m. at the Peck Community Center

David Boller motioned to adjourn; Lucretia Smith seconded. Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.