November 2023 Minutes

Peck Community Center, Inc.

Board Meeting – November 27, 2023

Mission: “The board’s responsibility to the community is to conduct operations of the building in a responsible and business-like manner.”

Bryan Bell opened the meeting at 6:57 p.m.

Officers in attendance: Bryan Bell, Roxana Stitt, David Boller, Aleta Boller. Lucretia Smith, Linda Wilbur, Janice Stroud

Members in attendance: Julie Bell, Sam Bell, Nancy Bell, Woody Stitt

MINUTES - Roxana Stitt:

The September 2023 minutes were read/ Motion by David Boller  to accept minutes. Seconded by Sam Bell. Passed.


Rentals - $980.00

Concessions - $115.00

Winter Craft Fair - $580.00

Total Revenue - $1,675.00

Evergy - $94.76

Black Hills Energy - $51.77

Peck Improvement District - $60.00

Farm Bureau Insurance - $186.25

Float cash for event - $120.00

Deposit refunds - $50.00

Total Expenses - $562.78

Opening Balance- $4,821.32

Closing Balance - $67.24.86

 Janice Bell moved to accept the financial report. Seconded by David Boller . Passed.


Soup Supper – Julie Bell  

The soup supper had a decent turnout, but not what we expected. 

December Craft Show    21 Vendors expected for Christmas show. All tax work is in for the vendors. List of all vendors must be turned into the state. We need to put next year’s events on the calendar because vendors sign up months in advance. I will have that ready for next month’s meeting. 

We should raise about $1,000. A couple of people canceled but have been replaced. We will be using both small and large rooms. Landon and Nancy will help with cleaning up.

Vendors will be coming to set up on Friday night. The show is Saturday and Sunday from 9-3.

Sam – We can set up hotdogs and hot links to keep the money at the center.

Car Show - David Boller

Calendar - Bryan Bell - Upcoming rentals

In December the building will be used for:

2-3 - Christmas Craft Show 9 - Banquet Room - Ferris

10 - Banquet Room - Smith 12 - London Township meeting

16 - Classroom rented - Stitt 24 - Banquet room - Stonehocker

30 - Banquet room - Callaway

Car Show – Tentative date for the show will be May 18th.

Old Business 

1. Discussion on updating the rental charges on the banquet and class rooms.

We would like to raise the rent on the banquet room to $150 and class room to $75 for Peck residents

Rates for non-residents would be $200 for the banquet room and $100 for the classroom.

Commercial events would be priced based on events.

Julie Bell moved that we raise our rents as described above. Linda seconded the motion. Passed.

 New Business

1.    Sam Bell – I’ve been thinking about our advertising curtain that no one wants. I talked to Rand Printing about what it would take to reproduce it. The man at the store did not recommend using a high-power camera, we wouldn’t be happy with it. Sam asked about taking photos of separate sections. The man said do it with a good camera and they could reproduce it. They could even reduce it. It would cost about $800, but might be able to do it for $700, but we would have to provide the photos.

We could also take individual photos and hang them on the wall, or we could make them into decals and epoxy them into the floor.

We need to preserve it in some way, just not sure how.


2.    Bryan – We would like to put up the 2’ tiles and LED lights in the foyer over Christmas break. It should be under $1,000. The lights right now are $150 for a 6-pack of lights. Sam Bell moved to do this; Woody Stitt seconded. Passed.

Miscellaneous Business – 

Our next meeting will be January 29, 2023, 7:00 p.m. at the Peck Community Center

Motioned to adjourn by Julie Bell ; seconded by Sam Bell . Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.