July 2024 Minutes

Peck Community Center, Inc.

Board Meeting – July 29, 2024

Mission: “The board’s responsibility to the community is to conduct operations of the building in a responsible and business-like manner.”

Bryan Bell opened the meeting at 7:03 p.m.

Officers in attendance: Bryan Bell, Roxana Stitt, Lucretia Smith, Janice Stroud

Members in attendance: Julie Bell, Sam Bell, Nancy Bell, Woody Stitt, Janice Bell, Jonathan and Kim Headrick. 

MINUTES - Roxana Stitt:

The June 2024 minutes were read.  Motion by Woody Stitt to accept minutes. Seconded by Janice Bell. Passed.



Rentals - $525.00

Total Revenue - $525.00


Evergy - $103.10

Black Hills Energy - $39.26

Farm Bureau Insurance - $221.68

Peck Improvement District - $120.00

Building supplies - $44.22

Total Expenses - $528.26

Opening Balance - $9,433.10

Ending Balance - $9,429.84

Woody Stitt  moved to accept the financial report. Seconded by Julie Bell. Passed.


Fundraising - Janice Stroud 

City Rummage Sale - We made $280. Sixty three people came through and Janice handed out fliers about our rentals. Only two people had booths. Janice was asked if we were going to finish up the big room (flooring). We need to keep the sign updated, because the sale was not on it.

Bingo Night  - August 3, 2024

The supplies have arrived (cards, daubers, etc.) We will be getting the food this at the end of the week. Lucretia asked if we need more volunteers. Roxana will ask Jess tonight or tomorrow.

Soup Supper  - November 9, 2024

Julie was asked to chair this again. Roxana, Lucretia  and Linda will also be on the committee.

Christmas Fair - December 7, 2024

Booths are pretty much full. Vendor rental money will need to be in by November 5th. Janice did leave a spot for t-shirts and for Jess Stitt to have a booth. Will Sam have a food booth? 

Calendar - Bryan Bell 

August rentals - 3rd - Bingo, 4th - Council Hill Ice Cream Social and backpacks, 6th - Primary elections, 10 - Classroom rented, Trapping in the Banquet room, 13th - Township meeting. Hunter Education was to be on 17-18, but had to be postponed due to a health emergency.

Old Business 

We are still waiting to hear from the state about the change of ownership forms so we know what we owe on sales tax. 

Janice gave Lucretia a name of someone who works for a tax attorney. The Peck Improvement District does have an attorney that we may have to use.

New Business

Miscellaneous Business  

Our next meeting will be August 26, 2024, 7:00 p.m. at the Peck Community Center

Motioned to adjourn by Julie Bell; seconded by Janice Bell. Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.