November 2024 Minutes
Peck Community Center, Inc.
Board Meeting – November 25, 2024
Mission: “The board’s responsibility to the community is to conduct operations of the building in a responsible and business-like manner.”
Bryan Bell opened the meeting at 7:02 p.m.
Officers in attendance: Bryan Bell, Roxana Stitt, Linda Wilbur, Lucretia Smith.
Absent: Aleta Boller, David Boller, Janice Stroud
Members in attendance: Julie Bell, Woody Stitt,Jess Stitt, Jonathan and Kim Headrick, Jerry Bell.
MINUTES - Roxana Stitt:
The October 2024 minutes were read. Motion by Linda Wilbur to accept minutes. Seconded by Julie Bell. Passed.
Guest Speaker Brecken Johnson proposed a Farmer’s Market from April to October 7 am - 12 pm on the third Saturday of each month. All booths outside, no electricity needed. All vendors would be local. The vendor money would go to the Peck CC for building improvements. Vendors would setup, tear down and pick up all trash. The building might be open for bathrooms, only. Brecken knows about 20 vendors with a variety of items and would be happy to be here. I would like to see 15-20 per month. Advertising will be on Facebook, Instagram, posters, and word of mouth.
Discussion - The idea sounds great! It would involve the community, local vendors and gives the community more exposure.
Bryan - We could also advertise it on the sign, also. We can do a motion to approve it. Could you get a list of vendors together?
Brecken - Yes, I can have it by February. On the day of the events, the vendors can pay by cash or check.
Sam moved that we approve the Farmer’s Market idea from Brecken Johnson. Linda seconded. The motion passed.
Rentals - $775.00
Donations - $250.00
KDHE - $300.00
Soup Supper - $826.83
Total Revenue - $2,151.83
Evergy - $80.28
Peck Improvement District - $60.00
Farm Bureau Insurance - $$221.68
Building Improvements - $3,766.14
Office/Building Supplies - $214.48
Total Expenses - $4,342.58
Opening Balance - $9,271.94
Ending Balance - $7,281.19
Jerry Bell moved to accept the financial report; Julie Bell seconded. The motion passed.
Calendar - Bryan Bell - December Rentals
December 1 - Banquet - Cook
December 10 - Banquet - London Township
December 14 - Banquet - Edwards
December 21 - Banquet - Stitt
December 24 - Banquet - Stonehocker
Soup Supper - November 9, 2024 - Julie Bell
It was a great event. We were busy from opening to closing and we ran out of food. The new overhead arm and the new roasters worked great! Our junior volunteers would like to come back next year.
Christmas Fair - Janice Stroud
Janice was not present for a report.
Old Business
Overhead arm was a great success at the soup supper.
The rental agreement has been amended to include the clause about forfeiting the deposit for the use of tape.
Bingo tentatively set for February 22.
A new contract has been signed with KDHE for $3000/year.
The new heater/AC was installed this last month for the lobby and restrooms.
New Business
We will attend the PID meeting on January 7 to find out what we can do about the sewer. The alarm went off again last weekend during a rental event.
Discussion about canceling the Christmas Fair - The person setting it up has not been at the last two meetings and has not advertised it. There has also been no event paperwork for it.
Linda - We blocked out the day and couldn’t be rented.
Bryan - It’s less than 2 weeks away so that isn’t enough time to set it up. We do have someone who would like to rent it.
Jerry moved to cancel the Christmas Fair. Sam seconded. Passed.
Bryan asked Roxana to contact the person who wanted it and let them know it is free.
Miscellaneous Business
Sam - I would still like to see us make photos of the big advertising banner that hung at the old community center. Bryan - It is old and fragile so we will need to be very careful with it. We have contacted local museums, but no one has enough room to hang it.
Our next meeting will be December 30, 2024, 7:00 p.m. at the Peck Community Center.
Motioned to adjourn by Jerry Bell; seconded by Linda Wilbur. Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.