September 2024 Minutes
Peck Community Center, Inc.
Board Meeting – September 30, 2024
Mission: “The board’s responsibility to the community is to conduct operations of the building in a responsible and business-like manner.”
Bryan Bell opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Officers in attendance: Bryan Bell, Roxana Stitt, David Boller, Linda Wilbur, Aleta Boller, Janice Stroud
Members in attendance: Julie Bell, Sam Bell, Nancy Bell, Woody Stitt, Janice Bell, Jess Stitt, Jonathan and Kim Headrick, Andy Kraft.
Guest - Mike Martin from KDHE
Bryan Bell suspended the normal order of business for a presentation from Mike Martin from KDHE.
Mike Martin - We are on the air quality side of KDHE. The building on your property has analyzers that pull in ambient air to test for pollutants. All of the data goes to the central computer in Topeka and is sent to EPA. We come down every two weeks to monitor that everything is working correctly. There are 12 around the state. This site was negotiated in 1998 for $100 per month. The contract is due at the end of this year. I'm here to see where you are wanting to go on the rental. We are planning to get rid of this building and build a new one on a concrete slab. We would like to move it a bit west so it is not so close to the fence and is easier to clean around.
Roxana - I would like to see us go from a ten year to a five year contract.
Mike - We have a site in Salina that we give them $500 per quarter, $2000 a year. That contract is renewed annually.
Bryan - I think a 5 year contract is fine.
Mike - We want to make it worthwhile for all of us.
Woody - Are you going to fence in the new one?
Mike - We can, but we’ve never had any trouble here.
Bryan - It would be good if you made the slab a foot bigger than the building so when we mow we won't have to weedeat. And if you put it at least 5 feet from the fence.
Mike - We will be doing that. And, if anything needs weedeating, we can do that. Right now we are paying Salina $2000 per year. $700 a quarter would be $2800 per year. I will change the contract and send it to you for approval. The new contract will be a 5 year, paying $700 per quarter ($2,800 per year).
Sam Bell made a motion to accept the contract. Woody Stitt seconded it. Passed unanimously.
Mike - The contract will be sent in about a week and will be in effect by January 1, 2025.
MINUTES - Roxana Stitt:
The August 2024 minutes were read. Motion by Woody Stitt to accept minutes. Seconded by Julie Bell. Passed.
Rentals - $450.00
Donations - $150.00
Total Revenue - $600.00
Evergy - $223.54
Black Hills Energy - $42.19
Peck Improvement District - $60.00
Farm Bureau Insurance - $221.68
Reimbursements - $1,512.57
Building Improvements - $2,052.85
Total Expenses - $4,112.83
Opening Balance - $11,842.89
Ending Balance - $8,329.96
Bingo Night - August 3, 2024
Between bingo cards, concessions, and 50/50, we made a gross of $1,328.29. Jess - Everyone in this room tonight were at bingo, either working, playing or supporting. I was really impressed with the turnout. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The snacks were great and the popcorn was perfect! People would be willing to come back and play again. The pace went well. I’m open to feedback to improve our next Bingo Night. There were about 65 people in here and many made this a family event, bringing their children, friends, and other family members.
If we do this again, we definitely need to make sure we have plastic tablecloths to protect the tables from the daubers.
Sam - I invited several people and they all had nothing but good comments about the evening and can’t wait for us to do it again. If this grows to 80 players will our seating capacity be able to handle it?
Bear - I think we would max out at 100. We may have to say we are sold out for the night if we go over 100.
Soup Supper - November 9, 2024
Julie - Nothing to report. Jess offered to help with social media advertising.
Calendar - Bryan Bell
October rentals
Oct 3 - Banquet - Crosby - We will also be providing rib lunches, charging $15/person. We will serve about 50 people.
Oct 5 - Banquet - West
Oct 8 - London Township
Oct 12 - Banquet - Stevens
Oct 19 - Banquet - Reyes
Oct 25 & 26 - Building - Stroud
Jess - So you can also order food with rentals?
Bryan - Yes if we have enough advance warning.
Jess - Food needs to be paid in advance? It should be.
Bryan - I would like to see a food crew of people that could cater events at the building.
Andy - If it gets too big, we would need food handlers licensing.
Soup Supper, Nov. 9 - Jess
Jess - We have signups. We have broken it down to volunteer positions, food needed, other donations that are needed. This is also online on Signup Genius that we will share through the Peck FB page and in emails to previous volunteers.
We did proactively reach out to popular soups, such as Robert’s garlic soup. Andy has offered to make chili. We did break down some positions such as servers so that no one needs to work the whole time. On the poster the time will be advertised as 5-8 p.m. First shift will be 5-6:30 and second shift will be 6:30 - 8:00.
Another problem has been trash. On the sign up we are asking four people to volunteer to take trash home to their personal bins.
We have set up for 3:30 - 4:30. We can do this because we now have lighter tables. We will have the building open around noon for people who want to bring their food early.
It will be all you can eat because historically we have had so much soup leftover. This won't be on the flyers, but will be posted at the supper.
We had a meeting last Thursday for volunteers and we had a productive meeting.
Andy - Is there a cut off for donations?
Jess - Yes, Nov. 9th at 5:00 :) I will be working to have a larger presence with social media and paper flyers to hand around. The price will be $7 for adults and $5 for kids. We will also have an option to pay ahead online. If they don’t show up, they will have given a nice donation.
Bryan - We ordered the wire and it arrived last night to make an arm that will swing out from the top of the cabinet. It will have a drop cable with an outlet box that will sit on the table with 8 outlets to run all of the roasters. We will be doing this in the next week or so. This will be a designated breaker for this in the main box. Hopefully we will no longer blow breakers.
We are getting a couple of roasters donated and will have to buy a couple. We are waiting for them to go on sale closer to November.
Christmas Fair - Janice Stroud
By word, our vendor list is full, but they will have to fill out applications and pay for their spots.. I am going to ask for donations, an item from each vendor for a raffle. Can we donate a Peck hat?
Roxana - I will have to order more.
Janice - Someone is working on the flyers. I have the applications made up.
I will be renting the building myself for a flea market and will have flyers at that event for vendors.
Old Business
We replaced the ceiling tiles in the classroom and hung curtains, both in the classroom and in the lobby. Take a look before you leave tonight.
We would like to buy 3-4 box fans for when we have a lot of people in the room. This would move more air and make it more comfortable. Julie - Atwoods have them on sale right for $40. They sit on the floor.
Jess - from Bingo night, I would suggest one that is an oscillating stand and then some on the floor to also move air. At Ollie’s they were about $30. Bryan - Do they work well, or are the blades flat and not do much? Janice - My sister works at Vornado and maybe she can get them. Bryan - Maybe they can donate them.
Sam moved that we purchase four fans, Janice seconded. Passed.
Last month we cleaned out the storage room and we got a huge dumpster that we totally filled. And there is STILL stuff in there that we need to get rid of! We will be putting the old tables that are in there now for sale for $10-15 apiece.
New Business
We would like to get six more tables for the classroom. We will make a stand for them. Jess moved that we purchase these tables. Julie seconded. Passed.
Jess suggested we put a wall clock in the banquet room. Perhaps it could be donated?
Julie - Roxana, Woody, Bryan and I have been the majority of cleaning the building lately. Bryan - I would like to see what it would cost to have someone come in once a month for a general clean. Andy - Usually they charge by the square foot.
Janice - Could we do a meet and greet once a month? This would give the community a chance to see the building and get to know each other better. Coffee and donuts or treats? Jess - Maybe we could do it quarterly.
Jess - Do you give the deposit back before or after the cleaning? Bryan - After. I come up to get the key and give the deposit back. Jess - I would like to suggest that the deposit is not the same day, but within 24-48 hours. I feel that sometimes things might be broken or not cleaned well and not be noticed late at night.
Janice - Could we get a dumpster for the center? Bryan - The problem with that is everyone in town would bring their trash here. Roxana - Trash companies have to service every week and we don’t have that much trash every week. Bryan - We would have to have a locking dumpster and that would also be an issue.
Janice - I have had some complaints. Example, why did the rent go up when the floors in the banquet aren’t done. Also, we had a transgender that didn’t want to use the men’s because there isn’t a lock. Also, how often is the curtain washed in the women’s restroom? Woody - I say we focus on all the good we have done to the building and not what needs done. We will do it when we can afford it.
Miscellaneous Business
Our next meeting will be October 28, 2024, 7:00 p.m. at the Peck Community Center
Motioned to adjourn by Woody Stitt; seconded by Julie Bell. Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.